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Always Stay Ahead of Your Competition in Climate Tech

Join 224 subscribers to “The Climate Innovator” newsletter. Every Tuesday morning, you’ll get insights and deep dives on latest climate innovation.

Lars Schellhas, M.Sc.
Founder of Schellhas Engineering and Author of “The Climate Innovator” newsletter

Recent articles

The Dark Side of Climate Tech Startups: Why Technology Validation is Critical a dystopian world with wind and solar farm. Dark skyscrapers is a city nearby. electric vehicles everywhere.Climate EntrepreneurshipClimate Tech Investments

The Dark Side of Climate Tech Startups: Why Technology Validation is Critical

Validating a startup’s technology is crucial for investors to understand its potential and risks. Climate tech startups are solving some of the most pressing problems of our time, but they also have to overcome many barriers and uncertainties. Investors need to be prepared and knowledgeable when investing in this space.
Lars Schellhas
27. June 2023

Hey! I'm Lars

Lars smiling at and just for you 😉

Every Tuesday morning, I publish my climate innovator newsletter. You’ll get insights and deep dives into latest climate innovation. It's short, funny, and to the point.

224 fellow climate investors, entrepreneurs, and innovators read it.
I'd love for you to join!

"Just read #1 and #2 - both are awesome! If the topic interests you, I highly recommend signing up."
- Norbert Hüthmayr, Founder